This post could be hard, or it could be easy, which is why I haven't posted in a few days. My third daughter, yes, I have four, went to the emergency room on Friday with severe pain. The diagnosis was an ectopic pregnancy. She went ahead to the emergency room at my oldest daughter's hospital, (oldest daughter is an RN), and they were prepping her for surgery. Enter oldest daughter, Dianne. She pulls a few, well, maybe more than a few, strings and get's Jackie's (third daughter), OB/GYN to come in on a Friday night, on a holiday weekend. This Dr. tells them to wait, let's see what the Beta levels say. On Tuesday, Jackie got blood drawn. On Wed. the Dr. says that the Beta levels are great. Ultrasound on Thurs. morning. Today, Thursday, the ultrasound was done. There is a black dot in the uterus. Viable pregnancy. While there may still be problems, any pregnancy can have problems at the 5-6 week point, Jackie has been cleared to go on our family vacation to Mexico. Praise God!
Now for the "Stitching" part of my blog title.... I sew, I sew children's clothes, especially baby clothes. I've been sewing for "Baby Figment" see and now I'm sewing for a real baby. I still have to remind Jackie that I am a children's clothier, not a child care worker though.