This week there have been lots of changes at my house. The plastic walls are down, the painting is almost finished. We have all the new windows that we ordered. We have about a week and a half to go on this process, not counting the kitchen faucet. That could take up to three weeks... My attitude has changed as I see the end of the process of remodeling, but I'm not sure when Phase 2 will start because I can't see going through this again.
One of my daughters lost her grandma in law this week. This one is particularly hard because we are so close to our son-in-law's parents. His mom lost her mom. My heart breaks for her because I have been there. My daughter is hurting because her daughter will never meet her great-grandmother....I so understand that hurt because my mom will never meet my granddaughter either.
Friends are the stability of life. I cannot stress enough the need to have friends. There have been times in my life when I haven't had friends and those were desolate times. Today I've had calls from two friends and I know that my daughter's mother-in-law who just lost her mom and I are connected by the heart. Tuesday I had the privilege to spend time with 3 friends to celebrate the birthday of one of them. Next Wednesday we are going to lunch. I need that time with friends. That 5 year span I had without friends still causes pain in my heart. When I was at my lowest of lows, 3 friends were there and I will never forget that. Friends are the stability of life.
Our life has been changed with the friends we have made here. In some ways, the remodel is because we will be hosting those friends at a get-together in February. Friends are that important.